07.05.23 – 03.06.23

So I guess you are already familiar with most of my practice, so bear with me if it’s repetitive, haha. See quick sketch above, room filled with orange sand, a glass vase filled with sand as to resemble a pillar of sorts reaching with sound which will play a sound piece of mine. + A very small portrait of my profile from my first performance - a screengrab from its video documentation granularized by pixels.

I guess right now I’m thinking a lot about noise, noise as dissonance, noise as texture, noise as sound, noise as resistance/interruption/refusal but also as surrender. Noise as a ’natural’ state of being - noise as harmony. Noise as in the universe and all its coexisting realities and the sounds of them all Crashing into one another whilst I’m playing the air guitar on stage hahaha. The big and the small and all the rumble it makes.

And with this exhibition, and my practice as a whole I guess I’m thinking a lot about the small moments becoming myth-like, and the process of that myth. So I’m really into the very small exhibition space Maria Elena has in her own home - this intimate meeting place that she opens up for people.

I like the idea that the main sculpture is reaching for the sound in this kind of scaled back white cube setting -as if tho the objects are in conversation with each other - I’m also thinking about the interplay of the sand and glass - one being a transformed version of the other through fire / granularization. Also I haven’t really decided the material of the portrait because I want it to be kind of reflective, so I am thinking about copper metal. I like the idea of it feeling like a lit up silhouette and how my mohawk is like sprawling into the noise. (see pic attached)

I need you (is I, I is we) to MAKE SOME NOISE. loud or mute, scream or whisper, I need to know I am held in and by you (is I, I is we). that our intimacies are critically intertwined, transcending myopic desires. that we link arms in the imaginary, in the unboundedly. I need to know you (is I, I is we) sense the bass and the potential that lies in its murmur, its fragrance of a freedom becoming. I need to know you (is I, I is we) care when you (is I, I is we) dance,
and that you (is I, I is we) feel that space between us not as distance but as a landscape of connections, generative of new symbols for relating, I need to know that you (is I, I is we) understand that this is the chorus, not as part of, but together, right now, in the dance. I need to trust you (is I, I is we) trusting me, trusting that someday we will be free.

- SUUTOO, 2023

Suutoo is a multidisciplinary artist, composer and performer with a focus on world-building, deeply invested in strategies of refusal and emancipation. Suutoo uses sonics, visuals, poetry and performance to play with process and poetics, the undoing and becoming of myth. Meditating on symbols for cataclysmic moments of prosaic and colossal proportion, Suutoo continually reflects on how myth informs reality.
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